Enzymes for health and beauty

Enzyme for health and beautyEnzyme is originally contained in living organisms; It can also be supplemented via food intake and the best source if from eating raw vegetables and fruits.  The raw fish in Japanese cuisine also contain certain enzymes.  Most of the enzymes are destroyed when cooked or steamed. 

Enzymes can be extracted from vegetables, which will then undergo fermentation for enzyme production.  An ideal enzyme ought to be able to disintegrate three main nutrients such as protein, sugar/glucose, and fat.  It is better if it contains other enzyme such as anti-oxidant.  There are a lot of liquid form enzymes available in market nowadays, which provide convenience to consumers.

The level of enzymes in our body will deplete as we grow older and there is close relationship between the level of enzymes and life span.  Too much protein will result in loss of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.  Also, food with high salt and sugar content will deplete enzymes level in our body as well.  Fast food such as fries, hamburgers, fried chickens are also known to be depleting enzymes. 

All enzymes will be destroyed at about 54ºC.

 Benefits of enzymes:

  1. Help to maintain body fluid PH to be slight alkaline, discharge waster, keep germs balance in colons, strengthen cells, promote digestion, and enhance immunity against bacteria.
  2. Disintegrate toxin and waste in blood stream.  Help food digestion.
  3. Energize cells to promote metabolism to also ensure external damaged cells are regenerated.
  4. Fight inflammation.  Though we cannot solely rely enzymes to heal inflammation, they strengthen white blood cells function to provide immunity for damaged cells.  Basically, those with inflammation have to rely on own immunity to heal.  Antibiotics can kill germs, but can help to regenerate cells.     
  5. Cleanse body fluids by ensuring waste from metabolism discharged out from body.  Promote blood circulation.
  6. Disintegrate the main culprit cholesterol lipids found in cardiovascular disease; and lower blood pressure.
  7. Regenerate cells, thus mend wrinkles, prevent aging, protect cells from harmful UV radiation, suppress Melanin (black spot) formation.  High metabolism can give more radiance to skin.  Kill germs in pores and cleanse pores by discharging foreign matter and treat acne.
  8. Treat rheumatoid arthritis by fighting inflammation, regenerating cells, and promoting circulation.
  9. Help diabetic patients via adjusting towards normal secretion of insulin.
  10. Lessen grey hair and promote hair growth.
  11. With exercise, enzymes can help to lose weight.
  12. Treat hangover from alcohol.

Want to do a quick check if enzyme products are real or just fruit juices?

  1. First of all, make paste from potato starch and hot water.  Then, mix in enzyme.  If it is genuine, the paste will disintegrate and turn to transparent fluid.
  2. Another method with milk.  Mix in enzyme with milk.  The enzyme is genuine if milk turns into bean curd form.   

Check out how to make your own enzyme.

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