Why raw food and benefits of raw food diet

Raw food - tomatos

Sun energy – fight cancer. 

Life source boils down to energy from sun; and the living matters or cells absorb and keep within.  The renowned Crompton effect in Physic ever mentions that matters under radiation will give out radiation ray in different wavelengths.  Fresh vegetables give out the absorbed sun energy for living matters.  Thus, eating fresh vegetables likely will reduce cancerous cells growth as fresh vegetables give out harmless short wavelength radiation.

Inorganic salts such as minerals are important to human, but it has to be absorbed naturally, else it will be harmful to body.  Cooked vegetables' calcium will become insoluble in water; thus, not able to be absorbed by body, its minerals will also be lost in soup.

Thus, when eating raw carrot, we just need to rinse it with water or the most slight rub the skin with soft brush, raw salt or follow the natural raw food cleaning way highlighted before and it is ready to eat even with skin as the skin, particularly at the root section as it has plenty of minerals.

Vitamin C

Fresh vegetables and fruits have abundant vitamin C.  However, vitamin C will be destroyed via improper cooking.  For example, cabbage's and spinach's Vitamin C will drop to half and leaving 1/4 respectively under boiling hot water temperature.   Vitamin D and E are more resistant to heat than Vitamin A and B. 

Less salt intake

Fresh vegetables have high content of inorganic salts or minerals; however, the salt content is low.  Even with whole day of vegetables diet, the absorbed salt intake will be around 0.2 to 2 Kg.  As of the low salt content, the burden on kidneys is low and thus can eliminate body swelling and also mucosa inflammation. 

Achieve alkaline-acidic balance

As mentioned in earlier post that our body prefer slightly alkaline PH.  An acidic body fluid will lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.  On contrary, too alkaline body fluid will lead to low blood pressure, gastroptosis, bronchial asthma, cancer.

Fish, meat, egg and whole grain foods are acidic.  Fruits, vegetables, and seaweeds are alkaline.  When selecting food, we should consider those food that can help us maintaining slight alkaline body fluid.  Cooked vegetables are alkaline. 

Water source

Human body comprises about 70% water.  We need plenty of water to maintain good metabolism, deliver nutrients, and carry away the waste that cells discharge.  Fruits have about 60% to 80% of water and because the salt content is also little, the thirst quenching effect is great.

Catalytic enzymes

Radish has starch digestive enzymes.  Papaya has protein digesting enzymes.  Enzyme is the reason why we can brew red wine from grapes.  However, enzyme is not that resilient to heat; thus, eating raw is the best way to absorb enzymes. 

Filling "stuffed"

Fresh vegetables have bigger volume, high fiber.  Even with low calories, people feel full after eating; thus, can prevent over eating.  Cooked vegetables loose about 2/3 of its dietary value.

Promoting colon function

Vegetables have plenty of fiber that can stimulate colon function, make it active and ease constipation that is linked to many illnesses.  Eating raw vegetables can lessen the bacteria level in colon.

Regenerate cells

Skin becomes more fair and has less wrinkle.  Lesser grey hair and promote hair growth.

Oxalic Acid

Natural oxalic acid is known to promote function of colons, blood vessels, genital organs, excretion organs.  Inorganic oxalic acid has higher tendency to react with calcium to form stone, calcium oxalate; thus, giving diseases such as kidney stones, gallbladder stones, arteriosclerosis, cataract, rheumatism, and hearing loss as of insufficient calcium as of calcium oxalate formulation.  However, the natural oxalic acid found in fresh vegetables can disintegrate calcium oxalate.

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