Preventing heart attack via vitamins

Vitamin B2 source_nutThe ultimate root cause of cardiovascular disease, which is linked to heart attack, is atherosclerosis.  Ischemic heart disease, or also known as angina pectoris, is due to blocked coronary arteries giving narrower flow path for the oxygen-rich blood to heart muscle causing died muscle. 

In order to prevent heart attack, we first need to prevent atherosclerosis.  In order to prevent atherosclerosis, we have to change our lifestyle.  Dangerous causes like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, stress, genetic factors, smoking, drinking are to be avoided.

If the few dangerous causes mentioned above do not happen on you, that does not mean you can take a break as Ischemic heart diseases early symptoms are often ignored.  The best way is to constantly do body health check up and take more vitamins.

In addition, for any heart disease patient, if you ignore the doctor's prescription and advice to change lifestyle, the outcome can be catastrophic.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps to maintain and energize coronary arteries, preventing atherosclerosis.  In addition, Vitamin E helps to reduce blood viscosity, giving smoother blood flow that is effective in supplying oxygen to heart muscle and lessening work load to heart.  About 150 milligram of Vitamin E is needed daily. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has antioxidant effect and it helps to disintegrate cholesterol and triglyceride, promotes formation of collagent that strengthens inner wall of blood vessels.  For existing heart disease patient, Vitamin C assists recuperation.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 helps to disintegrate fatty peroxide, which reduced level of fatty peroxide will lessen the possibility of atherosclerosis.  About 250 milligram of Vitamin B2 is needed daily.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is particularly helpful in treating cardiac hypertrophy.  About 25 milligram of Vitamin B1 is needed daily.

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