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Raw conscious

An upcoming book by
Kris A. Pletschke

Raw Conscious Evolution

Raw Conscious Evolution                                               August 2004
After much anticipation Kris Pletschke's book is available!  Goto http://www.rawhealth.net to learn more and purchase.  R.C.E. is based upon nearly a decade of research, client documentations, and personal experience in the Ancient Wisdom of the natural healing arts.  In essence it will help you realize the variety and depth for iimproving your diet as well as your whole life.  By removing the metabolic debris, deitary waste, undesirable organisms, ingested and environmental toxins you can enjoy greater Well-Being.  Regardless of your deitary preferences you can receive benefit from this book.   By Kris Pletschke, Cert.Ir.  The teachings include:

*  Commitments: Establishing short-term and long-term goals
*  Transitioning to healthier foods
*  Foundations for Well-Being; Influences of S.A.D. "Standard Am. Diet"
*  Life-Force: Dynamic, Potential, and static foods
*  Acid/ alkaline balance: Proper pH balance is monumental
*  East Vs West: Perspective and paradox


Acknowledgements    2
Disclaimer    3
Dedication    4
Forward    6
The Author's Introduction    7
History Of Health?    9

Nature's Ancient Wisdom    14
What Iridology Reveals    16
Inherent Constitutions    17
Intestinal Consciousness    19
Normal Life Vs. Average Life    21
Eating is a Spiritual Practice    24
God's Original Diet    26
Essene Living    27
Personalize Your Foundation    29

S.A.D.D.    30
Inhabitants of Hunza Valley    31
S.A.D. Standard American Diet    33
Diet and Dysfunction    35
Cultural Adaptations    37
Influence of food cooking on blood formula of man.    38
Frances Pottenger's 10year Cat Study    39
Health for Sale    40
Nutritional Panel Experiences    43
Personalize Your S.A.D.D.    45

Frequency: The Signature of Life    47
Chaotic Frequency    48
Effects Of Coffee Upon The Body    50
About The Frequency Graph    51
Vitality = Power minus Obstruction    53
Water is Essential    54
Sodium - Potassium (Na-K) pump    57
Dynamic, Potential, & Static Foods    58
Dynamic Foods    59
Foods with Potential    60
Static Foods    61
Personalize Your Life-force    63
Proper pH Balance is Monumental    65
Characteristic of Alkalinity    66
Characteristics of Acidity    67
The Alkaline-High    69
Saliva/ Urine pH testing is simple    70
Saliva and Urine readings:    71
Principals of Food pH    72
About the pH Graph    73
80:20 Acid/Alkaline balance food ratio    75
Personalize Your pH Factor    76

EAST & WEST    77
East Vs West: Perspective    78
Sattvic Foods:  Balancing Foods    79
Pancreas & Spleen Imbalances    80
Essential Elements    81
Seasonal Eating & Food Energy    82
Season Eating & Food Energy Chart    84
Symbiotic Relationships    85
Are Raw Foods Unclean?    88
Parasites:  The Unwanted Guests    90
East and West Personalize    93

Variety Assists Vitality    95
Organic Vs. Inorganic Minerals    97
Often Depleted Minerals    99
Lecithin:    100
Iodine:    100
Calcium:    101
Silicon:    101
Organic Sodium:    102
Essential Fatty Acids:    104
Weighing History    105
Weight Balance    106
Water-rich Foods    109
Benefits of Seaweed    111
Sweet and Juicy Fruit    112
Sweet Demise    113
Grains- Crutch of Life    114
Engrained Cultures    116
Personalize Your Nutrition    118
PROTEIN    119
What is Protein?    120
Quality Protein    122
Denatured Protein    123
Animal & Human Anatomy    124
Plant Vs. Animal Protein    125
Protein Poisoning    126
Amino Acid Bio-availability    128
Bio-availability factors:    128
Amino Acid Requirements    129
Methods of attaining RDA from E.A.A.    130
Muscle Energy    134
Natural Sources of B-12    136
Questioning Animal Milk    138
Raw Goat milk    139
Personalize Your Quality Protein    140

Emotional  Eating    142
Stimulating Food & Cravings    145
Minimize Blood-Sugar Imbalances    148
A Bitter Sweet Story    150
History Of Food Preservation    152
Primal Survival    154
Dietary Transition    155
Personalize Your Emotions    157

Enzymes: Life's Catalyst    159
Food Enzymes    160
Digestive Enzymes    161
Metabolic Enzymes    162
Be Present & Chew    164
Evening Eating    166
Morning eating    167

Proper Food Combining    170
Paradox & Contradiction    172
Sequential Eating    176
Personalize Your Food Combining    178
Essentials of Elimination    180
Alexis Carrel's - Chicken Heart Study    181
Healing Opportunities    182
Nurturing Healthier Lungs    184
Highlights for maintaining a healthy respiratory system:    185
Experience Reality "As It Is."    186
Nurturing Healthier Kidneys    188
Highlights for maintaining a healthy urinary system:    189
Nurturing Healthier Skin    190
Highlights for maintaining vibrant skin:    191
Nurturing Healthier Lymph    192
Body Aroma or Body Odor    193
Highlights for maintaining a healthy lymph system    193
Nurturing Healthier Intestines    194
Highlights for maintaining a healthy intestinal system:    195
Enemas, Colonics & Colonics    196
Colon irrigation recommendations:    197
Personalize Your Elimination    198

FASTING    199
Fasting  Essentials    200
Preparations for Fasting:    201
Dietary Steps For Fasting    202
Transitional steps for a Water-fast:    203
Conscious Fasting    203
Phase 1:    204
Phase 2:    204
Phase 3:    204
Phase 4:    204
Personalize Your Fasting    206

Path of Least Resistance    213
Short-term Intention    218
Create some goals:    219
Long-term Integrity    220
What are your dietary patterns?    222
What will you to today to improve now improve your life?    223
What health promise are you now going to accomplish today?    224
Manifest Your Success    225
Image your Reality    227
Power of Words    230

The Author's Introduction
(sample excerpt)

    I present you with a systematic approach to create greater health and happiness.  Whether you eat animal-flesh, vegetable and fruits, either cooked or living, this book is relevant for your evolution, both personally and globally.
    The book before you is a contemplation of nearly eight years work as a Holistic Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, Certified Iridologist and Shaman.  Oftentimes in its early stages, I would refer to the Raw Conscious Evolution as a personal guide based on clinical success.  Over the years, I have dealt with curious and chronically ill patients, each with various diets (i.e. animal-flesh, vegetarian, vegan, raw foods, etc.).  Health is an organic process, both relative to an individual and universally applicable.  Knowledge is only a portion of the journey toward well-being, because someone with knowledge may choose not to apply it.  Understanding the steps involved for an individual's health evaluation and recovery is one of the successful abilities I have refined over the years in this natural health field.
    Since 1994, I have worked with clients "reeducating" them on the fundamentals of natural and healthy living.  When I delved deeper into the understandings of true health, I found many misconceptions and falsehoods professed by so-called "qualified professionals."  Through research and practical experience I came to recognize that many of these opinions were based upon personal belief systems and/or institutionalized philosophies.  What appeared to be true within one methodology was full of contradiction when viewed from a grander perspective.
    My greatest strengths are recognizing and applying universal Truths so abundantly expressed by our Creator through the creation called Mother Earth.  Lao Tzu (a Chinese Sage or Teacher) would refer to it as "The Great Tao of Health,"  a process of enlightenment when one aligns with the natural powers and teachings of the natural world.  These Truths may be physiological, psychological, emotional, mental, or spiritually based.  They are time honored and clinically proven methods for assisting all people. 
    I chose to keep this book relatively simple, condensed and non-intimidating to the beginner and intermediate seeker of health.  I have quoted and cited several wonderful scholarly authors.  Many of them have inspired my own Journey.  It is my heartfelt intention that you will be exposed to a broader spectrum of essential Truths than you have experienced before.  It is also my intention to empower you with the knowledge to recognize these Truths and embody their teachings effortlessly.  To stimulate your mind with intellectual material is not enough; allow a conscious experience of and participation in these Truths to assist your evolution. 

    The title for this book: The Raw Conscious Evolution, represents many things.  "Raw" relates to a natural state of pure, unrefined, organic, untainted, alive, and as wild as the earth from which all life manifested.  In a non-food related sense I regard raw as the essential naked potential and underlying Truth inherent within all of Creation.  The term "Conscious" reveals the level of awareness with our environment and the acknowledgement of the consequence (good or bad) that occur resulting from our thoughts, words, actions, and all living Beings upon Mother Earth.  It is not enough to understand intellectually, we must accept our influences and role in the micro and  macro ecosystems.  An enlightened Being is conscious of his/her surroundings, acknowledges all life as sacred, remains present, and accepts full responsibility for his/her reality and the consequences of chosen actions.  To walk with "eyes-open" is a profound and enriching way to be in communion with life.  Lastly, "Evolution" summarizes the totality of the positive choices we make personally, socially, globally, and spiritually;  truly, it is part of the divine plan.  I was born with eyes that were open early enough to witness these wonderful dynamic expressions and processes of life.  As my livelihood and diet caught-up with the rest of my vision, my journey of a conscious evolution received Divine validation.  I now feel honored and blessed to share this knowledge with you.

    I would like to explain the intention behind the progression of the Raw Conscious Evolution.   The unfolding of this book begins with describing the idea is and assumptions surrounding health.  The reason being is that all of our concept perceived the actions we take.  Therefore, I believe it is essential for the reader to have an understanding of the concept and belief systems that have brought about our present knowledge or preference for well being.  Once the perspectives are revealed and dressed, then the reader can best understand the information I present later in this book.  Think of it as a way to build momentum for receiving knowledge and attaining Wisdom.  By preparing your intellect to now accept these new possibilities, you will be more likely to believe and benefit from this Wisdom I will share with.  Through describing emotional and physical challenges that may arise when improving your current diet , you will be better prepared to face those challenges and succeed with your short-term and long-term goals.

    When I use the word dis-ease, my intention is to distinguish it from the medical term disease.  Medical doctors are in the practice of diagnosing disease and prescribing pharmaceutical drugs to suppress or eliminate it.  Based on my experience, I did not acknowledge the existence of disease.  I do acknowledge whether body is in ease, or whether it is in dis-ease. This may seem like a small distinction, yet their meanings and legal implications are different. From a medical standpoint disease is something that enters the body from the outside.  It is often considered an attack on the body itself.  I have come to recognized that an unhealthy lifestyle will create dis-ease.  A healthy body is not a suitable environment for illness. Therefore it is your internal quality of health that determines the "ease" or "dis-ease."  By understanding this, it is imperative that you except the responsibility for what occurs to your body.  Ultimately you are effected by choice, and rarely a victim of a consequence.


*   Fundamentals of acidity, alkalinity, body and food pH.
*   What is Raw-Living food and why is it essential for health and well-being.
*   How the cooking process affects the quality of nutrition and food.
*   The emotional impact of comfort foods and uncontrollable cravings.
*   Confronting the East-West Institution regarding raw and living foods.
*   Understanding the symbiotic relationship of microorganisms.
*   Essentials of Health: Nutrition, Digestion, Assimilation & Elimination.
*   Plant-based sources for protein, calcium, iodine, B-12, EFA's, etc.
*   Proper food combining for greater digestion and absorption.
*   5-Channels of elimination: intestines, lungs, kidneys, skin &lymph system.
*   Emotional, physical and spiritual components for a successful transition.

History of Ill-health
(sample excerpt)

    My history of health began early in life as a child of only two years.  At this very young age, I had an operation for diverticulitis (bowel pockets) and my appendix.  Normally no one would think that a child that young could have developed a severe intestinal condition.  Usually it develops over decades to eventually create illness.  When I mention this condition many people are shocked!  The early and accelerated nature of this condition reflected a predisposition which I inherited through my family genetics.  The ramifications of this condition throughout my life were not only confusing and discomforting for me, they were outright embarrassing.  From my earliest recollections, I had suffered from emotional ups and downs, irritability, anger, anxiety, constant bowel gas, severe constipation, irritable bowels, inflamed hemorrhoids, sinus congestion, teenager acne, etc. 
    Between the ages of 7-19 years I suffered with severe migraine headaches that occurred 3-5 times weekly. these migraines were so consuming that they kept me nauseous, bed-ridden, and in extreme pain for 10-36 hours.  Now that I am a natural health practitioner, I understand why prescription medications did little to alleviate the pain.  Initially, I found that when I induced vomiting the nausea would lessen.  Allergy tests gave little indication of what the root causes were.  Our family doctor encouraged my parents to take me off chocolate and substitute with carob products.  The carob Easter bunny candies were not as pleasing as the readily available chocolate treats.  Yet I was in enough discomfort to recognize that for things to change, I must change. 
    Another additive decorated intense reactions was mono-sodium-glutamate (M.S.G.).  Before removing this additive, both my father and I would get very sick.  My whole family decided to eliminate M.S.G.  Aside from these basic modifications, the rest of my diet remained unchanged.  Unfortunately our family was still eating the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).  This S.A.D. program mainly comprised of non-organically grown animal-flesh, hybridized and refined wheat four, dairy products, refined sugars, (with no concept of food combining), and preserved foods packed with artificial additives.  How could we have know any better, our diet matched the diet of mainstream Americans. 

    In high school and college I was an active athlete enjoying cycling, soccer, cross-country skiing, nautilus training, dancing, and other recreational sports.  When exercising I felt good; when I was inactive my body felt thick, gooey, and sluggish.  The active lifestyle I pursued required me to replenish my body with ample nutrition.  At that time, I looked around at what my athletic peers were eating.  The choices of food where not very creative lots of pasta (carbohydrates) and animal-flesh (protein).  Truly, the diet was no better than that for someone who was not athletic.  The only difference I remember was that we athletes ate larger quantities food.  Why would I even consider questioning these preferred foods when my peers appeared healthy and successfully active?  I had a muscular build and good endurance.  This diet seemed acceptable for me too.  Neither my coaches nor I discussed the issues of nutrition at any length.  As a result, I consumed massive quantities of the acid-forming and nutritionless foods found in pasta, animal-flesh, refined sweets, and sport power bars.  The combination of a nutrient deficient diet and competitive activity resulted in depletion of many vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids (EFA's), electrolytes, metabolic enzymes and countless other vital resources. 
    My acidic cellular environment resulted from competitive activity, uric acid build-up, and lactic-acid crystallization within muscular tissue.  Aside from the intense activity I imposed upon my body, I unknowingly still had severe intestinal constipation over two decades after my infant operation.  Either of these issues would have caused stress within my body,  together they brought about muscular pain and bodily illness early in my adult life.  As these symptoms and conditions developed, I again looked around me and found similar conditions in my peer group.  Although the conditions were not enjoyable, I thought "they must be normal."  By the time I was in my mid-twenties I had very fine, thinning, and brittle hair. This too, I thought was a natural characteristic of aging.  Although I wanted to keep my youthful looking and longhair, was unable to do so.  Eventually I was forced to shave my hair to a half inch in length.
(sample excerpt)

You are the sole benefactor of any advice you choose to follow. The expertise and information I provide is not intended to replace any current modality you are applying for healthful reasons.  Use information as such, not law!  Use it to awaken your own awareness of reason and Truth.  The Truth that works for one person may not serve you.  Allow integrity and common sense to assist your decision making process. - Kris Pletschke