Fresh foods are health-building and cost-effective ways of living. 
  Healing abilities can be greater than Vegetarianism and Vegan diets.
Acknowledge fully the responsibilities of your wellness program.

Roll back the clock of aging and cultural "dis-ease."



Earth Knowledge Oracle
Eagle Thunder Drum


  • Earth Knowledge Oracle is akin to having an audience with a "Council of Elders." 
  • Earth Knowledge Oracle is a tool for communicating with the Spirit Realm.
  • It draws power from Mother Earth and knowledge of many Native peoples.
  • Wisdom teaches us how to live in gentle harmony with "All Relations "on Earth.
  • Connect with your Spirit Guides, pose questions, and receive answers of Truth.
  • Discover what 4 elements, 4 directions, & 23 animal spirits can teach you.
  • Understand how words of Truth reveal your inner strengths and challenges.
  • It will greatly assist in important decision making processes. 

Earth Knowledge in use

About the conception of this metaphysical divination tool.

               Since my earliest days of Spiritual endeavor, I have had an affinity toward Oracle boards and metaphysical tools.  There is something about the active participation involved with them which captivates my curiosity.  The ability to communicate with my Higher-self or other Divine Spirits on an intimate and immediate level is magnificent.  Granted intuition is more direct, yet using an Oracle displays one of the wonders of magic Creator has provided to our resource.  The opportunity to have readily available "Divine Counsel of Elders" offers a dynamic way to receive resolution to questions that your family, friends, and counselors may not be capable of answering for you.
                As Great Spirit will have it, blessings come in many packages.  One day I was on route to a local smoke shop, when I had a minor crash on my motorcycle.  It fell directly onto my ankle and caused a micro fracture.  Ironically, I was on my way to pick up some natural tobacco to offer a Cherokee medicine woman in my area.  Tobacco is a traditional offering often used to signify some form of request for guidance or information with Native American people.  I wanted to clarify some current questions regarding my life and direction.
               Was that a sign to see or not see her?  Being the person I am, I persisted forward.  The hairline fracture was painful, yet I was not going to let this Coyote experience block my visit.  A passerby lifted the bike off my leg and I continued onto my destination and visit that evening.  It was a good counsel.  I listened to many stories of this Elder that helped me Know my way better.  She stressed that more gentleness within the Native Teachings was in order.  Well, no I had plenty of time to relax and work with her recommendations.  That crash kept me off my feet for nearly eight weeks!  Part of my life also involves helping people with herbs, diet and natural forms of healing.  I do not believe in the ways of modern synthetic medicine.  Although recuperation was long, it was in "right relation" with my body.
               While on recovery at my home, I began studying some traditional Cherokee teachings, which she recommended.  After completing the book, I received the vision for the Earth Knowledge Oracle.  The vision was so clear, it only took a few days to manifest a prototype and begin working with it.  Since then, guidance and understanding of the Creator has helped me bring together the essential teachings of this Earth-based Spirituality.
               As I began using the Oracle, I realize a particular pattern of communication.  There appeared to be a cosmic grid of Divine Knowledge establishing.  Each session had a growth cycle.  It was like a child beginning to walk or learning a new language.  The Earth Knowledge Spirits and I worked together in a patient manner.  I saw myself as both mother and father of this child.  Its health and welfare was upon my shoulders.  This Oracle I brought forth needed my guidance and protection to grow properly.  Just as a fawn nestles with its mother during infancy then grows to become a beautiful doe, Earth Knowledge has suckled from my breast and grown into this wonderful creation for all of you to benefit.

Now for sale

The Earth Knowledge Oracle is $30.00 plus S+H
[Wholesale discounts are available]

Product Description of the Earth Knowledge Oracle

  • 17"x17" divining surface also made of Hemp canvas with a full color image heat laminated into the fabrics surface.
  • A 16 page book printed on 100% post consumer and recycled paper with instructions, insight, and full descriptions of the four elements, four directions, 23 Animal Spirits, and 8 colors.
  • The communicator tool which is used by two people to their Spirit Guides is a simple wooden ring of 2 1/4".
  • A 9"x10.5" canvas hemp pouch with a full color image on the front and a flap with a wooden button hold all of it.
  • The Earth Knowledge Oracle is truly a work of Divine Art.
  • It's presence, feel, and ability to connect with the Spirit realm is tremendous.
  • There is nothing like it in the World at this time.  I speak this from my Heart.

      I pray the love and intention I nursed into the Earth Knowledge Oracle will provide you with an unending opportunities to achieve the deepest Peace and Joy within your Mind and Heart.

                                                                Peace be within you,
                                                               Eagle Thunder Drum

Purchase Today!
Earth Knowledge Oracle
Connect with your "Council of Elders"

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Kris A. Pletschke  Permission is required to reduplicate any content.

"All Rights Reserved" 2000