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  Excalibur Dehydrators

30 Years of Dehydrating Excellence!

Let us personally thank you for your interest in the Excalibur® Dehydrator.

Now you can see for yourself why there's such an explosion in the public interest in dehydration. Dried foods are flavorful, lightweight and very nutritious. In the stores they're also expensive, and not always natural. Banana chips, for example, are fried in coconut oil with artificial flavoring and sugar added. But there is an alternative.

EXCALIBUR IS THE HIGHEST QUALITY MOST VERSATILE FOOD DEHYDRATOR ON THE MARKET, and has been produced in Excalibur's U.S.A. factory since 1973. We have hundreds of thousands of Excalibur customers. They're more healthy and eating their own dried peaches, apples, pears, plums, bananas, pineapples, and vegetables galore while their friends eat hot dogs, candy and fast food. They're making trail mix, power bars and dehydrating their own camp meals. Our customers also make their own jerky from beef, fish, chicken, or wild game. They're having fun and saving a lot of money at the same time.

Our customers are satisfied because we deliver what they want: a heavy duty, versatile unit that is EASY TO CLEAN AND EASY TO OPERATE. Designed to run 24-hours per day for months on end, the
Excalibur has trays made of the same material as the windshields of jet aircraft. EVEN A SLEDGE HAMMER CAN'T BREAK THEM! In a world of compromise, folks respect Excalibur's commitment to quality contained in our Company Objectives.

Square Excalibur Objectives


To contribute to the betterment of society through conducting our business in a moral, ethical, responsible, innovative and enthusiastic manner.


To bring back the values which made America great, which include pride in one's work and top quality products at a reasonable price.


To re-instill an atmosphere of integrity, dignity, mutual trust, respect and pride among all with whom we deal.


To create an environment enabling each employee to meet his or her individual goals (physical/health, mental/educational, family/home, spiritual/ethical, social/cultural, financial/career) which are conducive with Company objectives.


To earn a fair profit on investment and to perpetuate the Company so that the above goals can be realized.

Excalibur is PERFECT for fruit growers & vegetable gardeners!

It's not uncommon for an avid gardener to harvest hundreds of pounds of plums or tomatoes all at once -- far more fresh produce than any one family could dream of consuming. What do you do with all that abundance? Millions of gardeners give away tons of extra veggies - Save it for yourself - DEHYDRATE It!

Dehydrating is the ideal companion to a high-production garden because you can

  • process fruits and vegetables all through the season;
  • you don't need a big batch to get started;
  • you CAN process big batches when the garden starts bearing;
  • preparation time and effort is minimal;
  • you need hardly any space to store your dried foods; they keep indefinitely;
  • and are easy to use in recipes all year long.

Stock up at harvest time.

Fancy fruits and vegetables are pricey out of season. That's because they're perishable and must be sold when they're ready. Take advantage of the over abundance, in-season, by capturing all that healthy wholesomeness with your Excalibur.

In addition to your grocery isles, check your local farmer's market, roadside produce stands, and be sure to check with your gardening neighbors. One of your friends may be searching for someone to share in their bountiful harvest. The last thing most gardeners want is for their excess produce to go into their compost bins.

Gardeners Love the Excalibur Food Dehydrator

Square Built-in Safety Features - Yes, you can leave your Excalibur unattended! Excalibur dehydrators have three separate circuits to protect them from electrical malfunctions.

Square Great Flavor - Dried foods have wonderful, intense flavor.

Square It's Simple - Just cut, dry, & bag.

Square It's Nutritious - Your foods retain more nutrition than canning.

Square Inexpensive - Buy foods in-season, in bulk, on sale and save.

Square Easy - It's extremely easy to dry foods in an Excalibur.

Square Useful - You can use dried foods in thousands of recipes.

Square Easy to Store - Any food-grade jar or zip-lock bag will hold dried foods perfectly.

Square Compact - Dried foods store in far less space than cans or freezer boxes.

Square Easy to Pack - Toss a bag of dried fruit in your briefcase, purse, or lunchbox.

Square Lightweight - No extra weight means a lot to campers, RV'ers and backpackers.

Square Clean - Dried treats won't melt into a sticky mess all over your furniture or car seats.

Square Many more uses - Gardeners dry foods AND raise bread, crisp crackers, culture yogurt, dry flowers, and make craft projects with their Excalibur!

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Copyrights 2000 www.RawHealth.net &Kris A. Pletschke  Permission is required to reduplicate any content. 
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