Vitamineral™ Green Version 3.5

A super whole food product manufactured by Mother Nature and juiced by
Jamie Dina, ND

Vitamineral Green
Now with NSO™+ probiotic mixture and Burdock Root.

Purchase Vitamineral Green Today!

Vitamineral™ Green makes Isolated/Synthetic Nutrients,
Multi-Vitamin/Mineral products, Calcium supplements,
and Colloidal Mineral supplements OBSOLETE!

Vitamineral™ Green is the current evolution of a 14 year quest for excellence. It simultaneously represents the innate wisdom of nature and the advancements of science. It contains an extremely potent & comprehensive array of nature's most nutritive and cleansing superfoods, grown and processed to maximize their benefits. It was designed to be the most nutrient dense and comprehensive superfood product ever offered. Contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring, absorbable and non-toxic vitamins, minerals (including calcium) and trace minerals (including naturally colloidal and better). Contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients (not excreted as expensive yellow urine or stored as toxic deposits). "Manufactured" by Mother Nature herself; not a chemist. Also naturally occurring are all the essential amino acids (protein), antioxidants, fatty acids, chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of phytonutrients, and a plethora of other synergistically bound, organic nutrients. 100% whole food nutrition.

Vitamineral™ Green also represents a promise. A promise to you that I have done everything possible to ensure that it is the best superfood and nutritional product that I can make at this time. To my knowledge there is no equal. I constantly strive to "push the envelope" and make it better yet. I try to leave no stone unturned, and extensively utilize traditional as well as uncommon technologies and information to develop it, including my own research findings. New versions are always in development and as my active, on-going research continues to evolve, so to will Vitamineral™ Green. I stand behind Vitamineral™ Green 100% and stake my personal reputation upon it.    To your health! - Jameth Dina, N.D.

Vitamineral™ Green is a unique and extremely potent combination of nature's most deeply nourishing, cleansing, and rebuilding superfoods. Its ingredients are specifically grown, processed, and combined to maximize their beneficial effects.

Supports healthy bones, regular bowel movements, cleanses and nourishes the blood, colon, liver and kidneys, plus more

Vitamineral™ Green was specifically designed to more than replace traditional isolated/synthetic multi-vitamin/mineral products with nutrition the way nature intended, from whole foods!Unlike incomplete, regular multi-vitamin/mineral products, these nutrients are exactly as they occur naturally in whole plant foods, because they are still in whole plant foods! They are fully recognizable and absorbable with NO toxicity!

A full nutrient analysis of the current version of Vitamineral™ Green is pending and will be available soon. Keep track of this page as the analysis will be posted here. From our initial tests on this blend we know that its nutrient content is tremendous.

Vitamineral™ Green includes nutrients that are naturally colloidal and better upon suspension.

Vitamineral™ Green is based on over 14 years of research. Its current version is 3.5 There were 5 versions of a predecessor that led to it. This product will continue to evolve and get even better.
Vitamineral™ Green is an organic, whole food superfood combination. Unlike traditional multi-vitamin/mineral products, it is totally non-toxic, exceptionally absorbable (not excreted as expensive yellow urine, does not settle out as toxic deposits in the body), and is truly effective. It also contains thousands of phytonutrients and a plethora of other complex, synergistically bound, organic nutrients. This product is "manufactured" by Mother Nature herself; not a chemist in an isolation factory. There are absolutely no synthetics or isolated nutrients whatsoever in Vitamineral™ Green.

Most Nutrient Dense Superfood

100% Whole Food Nutrients

Absorbable Nutrients (Not excreted as expensive,bright yellow urine)

Completely Non-Toxic in any amount. This is pure superfood!

Best Value Superfood - Compare To Others (ounce per ounce or gram per gram) Our 16 ounce bottle contains 60-70% more product than the other blends (which are less than 10 oz) - yet Vitamineral™ costs the same and is much more concentrated. Our 10 ounce bottle costs 25% less than the same quantity of other, much less concentrated, superfood blends.

Amber Glass Bottle with Oxygen Absorber

Loaded With Enzymes & Life Force

100% highly functional, power packed ingredients - 31 TRUE Superfoods in all!

NOT DILUTED with apple fiber, barley malt, sucanat, rice starch, large amounts of lecithin, or anything else!

Alkalizing Organic* Superfood

100% Vegan - and Cruelty Free!

Exceptional Value!

If you attempted to purchase the isolated/synthetic versions of the nutrients in Vitamineral™ Green, it would cost you hundreds of dollars more (literally) to buy the same, and you would not get the same absorption, there would be toxicity, and not the tremendous synergy of natural co-factors that Vitamineral™ Green has!

Vitamineral™ Green is an unmatched nutritional and financial value!

Helpful for Natural Appetite Control!

Ingredients: v 3.4
100% Organic/Wildcrafted

Land Vegetables:

• Whole Leaf Barley Grass

• Whole Leaf Wheat Grass

• Nettle Leaf

• Shavegrass (Horsetail)

• Alfalfa Leaf Juice

• Dandelion Leaf Juice

• Kamut® Grass Juice

• Barley Grass Juice

• Oat Grass Juice

• Burdock Root

• Broccoli Juice

• Kale Juice

• Spinach Juice

• Parsley Juice

• Carob Pod

• Ginger Root

• Nopal Cactus

• Amla Berry


• Spirulina

• Broken Cell Wall Chlorella

Wildcrafted Aquatic Vegetables:

• Icelandic Kelp

• Nova Scotia Dulse

(optimum absorption, cleansing +)

• Amylase

• Lipase

• Protease

• Cellulase

• Bromelain

• Papain

Comprehensive Probiotic Mixture - Beneficial Organisms. Includes Exclusive NSO™ (Natural Soil Organisms) and Implantable Species.

A. Agilis, L. Acidophilus, R. Arrhizus, DDS-1 Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. Bulgaricus, A. Brasilienese, B. Brenis, P. Chrysosporium, A. Citreus, L. Casei, P. Calcis, S. Cellulasae, P. Denitrificans, S. Faecium, S. Fradiae, P. Flourescens, A. Globiformis, S. Griseoflavus, P. Gelatic, B. Lipolyticum, A. Luteus, A. Lipoferum, A. Lwolfii, B. Laterosporous, P. Marinoglutinosa, , B. Macerans, P. Nigraclens, P. Putida, L. Plantarum, B. Pumilus, B. Polymyxa, B. Stationis, L. Salivarius, B. Subtilus, B. Succinogenes, A. Simplex, B. Subtilus, S. Thermopolis , A. Terreus, M. Verrucaria, T. Viride. , K. Zopfit.